How do you sell more insurances, financing, or cars?
4 april 2024, PaulSome solutions in retail automotive are very obvious. I’ve been explaining for years that when it comes to lead follow-up, it’s best to call quickly instead of emailing. Is there a phone number available? Then call immediately after the request comes in (after a minute, that is). The approach is simple and obvious, yet for some, execution remains challenging.
Ultimately, it’s about that execution, you simply have to do it! 100% of the time and with 100% of your customers, without exception. This brings me to today’s article: selling additional services at the automotive company.
Brian Benstock and Michel van Roon’s Question
Two years ago, Brian Benstock was at our #DCDW events, and Michel van Roon MSc. asked Brian why he could sell a maintenance contract to 70% of his private consumers. A logical question, because in the Netherlands, we don’t even reach 10%. His answer was quite simple:
“100% of the time, 100% of the customers, and 100% of your products/services.”
Not Complicated
The rule of thumb isn’t complicated, but the execution is! I can take a product that I’m personally enthusiastic about, such as brand insurances. These insurances are financially attractive, not the cheapest, but with features and conditions that, when explained to the consumer, are always of added value.
I recently had the opportunity to give a presentation at an importer’s office. Insurances were important there, but the sales results were poor. One dealer was responsible for 60% of the policies. His secret? Offering 100% of the services to 100% of the customers 100% of the time. And unconsciously, he just did it.

Looking at our Ligier Store Doesburg – Experience Center, we account for more than 50% of private lease contracts at Ligier in the 18 months of our existence. Our secret? Offering 100% of the services to 100% of the customers 100% of the time! Private Lease is crucial for us.
Not only leasing and insurances work well for us, but also the service workshop, where we maintain the microcars, is gaining popularity in terms of sales conversion. We need to see how sales develop as we get more city cars in for maintenance, but it’s important to offer a new microcar to customers who come in for maintenance.
What Do We Do?
Every customer in our workshop receives a proposal to trade in or sell their microcar to us, then transition to a new 2024 model via a private lease deal: 100% of the time, 100% of the customers! Does our approach work? Certainly, some people decline, but some switch over without initially intending to buy a new Citycar. After receiving a proposal, they take a test drive with the new model, and we explain the benefits of private leasing. All, of course, entirely non-binding. Our approach works. Not with everyone, but some still switch over. If we hadn’t made a proposal, we would have sold less.
Increasing Sales
If you want to increase sales, whether they are new cars like above, or insurances, financing, maintenance contracts, or private lease deals, the rule of thumb is simple: 100% of the time, 100% of the customers, 100% of the services!